What is the diabetes? How does it originate? Is type 2 diabetes curable?

Diabetes also known as diabetes mellitus is a disease that occurs when the pancreas stops the creation of insuline
To better understand this process we will talk about three protagonists in this subject

         Diabetes Pancreas and Insuline

The Pancreas is a very important gland, in fact it is the most important in our glandular system. so it plays a role of first order in the preservation of our life.It is located behind the stomach and is approximately 6 to 9.40 inches in size
This gland is responsible for producing the insuline that i s the hormone that transports the sugar or  glucose through the blood to the cells to be able to charge them of energy

It is important to know this mechanism to be able to have bases to answer the question  Is Type 2 Diabetes Curable?
To know more about this amazing program that is saving the lives of thousands of diabetics around the world please click on the link below
