A diet saturated with carbohydrates and refined products are one of the main causes to make the pancreas stop producing insuline

Lamentably there is no a culture for good nutrition and it is very common in our daily intake to consume junk foods such as cold meats, biscuits, white fluor,sweets, fried potatoes, burguers, pizzas or bread made with refined sugar, red meat. cookies sodas and other products saturated of carbohydrates and other products processed with  conservative chemical ingredients
Dyes and other artificial elements and these products over time  are forming a sediment in the pancreas of saturated fats and acids that are  harmful to our body causing all this rubbish to block Beta cells  that are the ordered in the pancreas for the production of insuline
When this happens and the process of transportation of sugar to inside of the cells is interrupted because there is no insuline, that is the vehicle for this porpose. the sugar that our body continues to take from the food we eat is accumulate in the blood causing a high level of sugar or glucose in our body

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